
Can fossil fuels be used more effectively

Considering the process of creating fossil fuels, generating a significant amount of the C02 that is pumped into the atmosphere each year, some have questioned if this energy source fits in with the government’s carbon reduction targets. However, there are a number of ways that fossil fuels can be used more effectively. Here are just a few:

Combined heat and power

With figures from Green Peace suggesting that a staggering two-thirds of the energy generated in UK power plants is wasted, it comes as no surprise that criticism has been directed at this medium for energy production.

However, unlike traditional power plants, combined heat and power CHP plants utilise the heat that is normally wasted in burning fossil fuels, subsequently redirecting it and using it to generate electricity that can be used to heat hospitals, schools, houses and more.

This type of power plant can reach an energy efficiency rating of as much as 89%, compared to the 55% offered by conventional power plants.

Carbon capture and storage (CCCS)

Carbon capture and storage (CCCS) captures the CO2 that is normally emitted from power plants and other industrial processes and transports it to an underground storage facility where it will be stored permanently.

However, despite the potential benefits of such a system it appears that there are currently no large-scale CCCS projects in the UK, and a new paper funded by the Global CCS Institute has recently argued that early momentum for the CCCS scheme in Europe has shown signs of faltering.

Energy efficient home heating oil

Thousands of consumers living off the grid in the UK, or who use appliances such as Agas, rely on home heating oil to provide the fuel they need.

As a result, a number of energy-efficient heating oils have come onto the market, to help consumers make their homes energy-efficient while using fossil fuels.

As an example, K+ Premium Heating Oil is a new fuel from Rix that could stand to produce savings of up to £100 per annum for consumers in a medium-sized household by helping to improve energy efficiency in a number of ways, including reducing sludge formation in your tank and reducing fuel degradation.