Here are just some of the things you need to consider when looking for an energy-efficient oil central heating system.
Energy rating
Many modern-day oil-fired heating systems offer net seasonal operating efficiencies of as much as 97%, and the most efficient models fall under theSeasonal Efficiency of Domestic Boiler (SEDBUK) “A" rating offering efficiency of 90% or more.
The lowest SEDBUK efficiency rating is G, offering an efficiency of below 70%:
CO2 emissions
CO2 emissions from oil-fired boilers are higher than gas or LPG boilers, with figures from UK's Department for the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs (Defra) show C02 content domestic heating oil (kerosene) at 0.245kgCO2 per kWh, compared to 0.184kgCO2 per kWh for gas and 0.214kgCO2 per kWh for LPG.
However, according to according to the Energy Saving Trust, oil boilers are more efficient. Boiler efficiency depends on a number of factors including the boiler type design and system controls.
Features to look for in an oil-fired central heating system
Along with energy efficient heating oil, such as premium kerosene, a number of features on your oil-fired boiler can help to contribute to its overall performance and efficiency, including the following:
With 1.5 million people in the UK turning to domestic heating oil to heat their homes, this type of fuel may be the right choice for your home.