
Rix Petroleum Mercia support Boreatoon Scout Pedal Car Team

In the baking summer heat, Rix Petroleum Mercia, joined thier local Scout club at the Scouts national pedal car championships at Darley Moor Racetrack in Derbyshire.

The scouts build the cars from scratch and learn to use milling machines, welders, drills  etc. This car has been built from a variety of old bike and a garden rose arch was the tubing used for the frame with sturmey archer gears and reciprocating pedals (back and forth rather than turning a rotary sprocket).

The club won the Explorer grand prix and came second in the scout grand prix division 1 and came third in the scout grand Prix premier division.

In total there were 165 races in the day which was very tiring for the scouts and very, very tiring for the leaders!

The next outing is the Nantwich show on 31st July.