Rix Petroleum is proud to be supporting Bridlington Young Farmers Club

August 7, 2013
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As part of the partnership we will be providing advice and support about online marketing, social media and events management to the club.

Rix Petroleum has also supplied members with branded rugby tops, created literature for its recent 60thyear anniversary dinner and has invited the club to join it on its stand at next year’s Driffield Show.

James Brook, marketing manager for Rix, said the company was keen to work with the youngsters to help them develop up to date business skills and continue its support of British agriculture.

He said: “We have supported East Yorkshire’s farmers for more than 80 years and this is a continuation of that.

“Bridlington Young Farmers and their like are the future of farming in the UK and it makes sense for us to work with them to help give them the best possible start in the industry.

Group of young farmers in black and white rugby tops smiling in front of a Rix tanker.
Bridlington Young Farmers Club, March 20

“We are a large business and carrying out a lot of marketing activities, which is a part of business farming has perhaps lacked in the past, so if we can offer our expertise to help them get ahead, we are very happy to do that.”

Sammy Wade, Chairman of Bridlington Young Farmers, said the partnership would help the club get more members by raising its profile in and around the Bridlington area.

She said: “We were approached by Rix Petroleum because they wanted to get involved with the young farmers and that coincided with us wanting to increase our membership.

“They came up with some great ideas to help us promote ourselves and develop new skills so really it is a win-win.

“They were really helpful with our 60th anniversary dinner and we’re looking forward to continuing working with them on an ongoing basis.”

Bridlington Young Farmers currently has around 20 members and is on the lookout for anyone interested in joining.

They meet on a Tuesday night at Boynton Village Hall at 7.30pm and organise a range of social events for members to attend.

The club is open to people aged between 10 and 26. For more information email Sammy_jo_wade@hotmail.com.

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