
Pupils get close look to nature thanks to Rix Petroleum East Anglia

PUPILS at a Norfolk school will be able to get closer to nature thanks to Attleborough-based fuel company Rix Petroleum.

Horsford Junior School’s newly formed bird watching club triumphed in the firm’s We Care competition to win a £500 prize of their own choice.

The club was set up by Martin Smith, lower school leader at Horsford, in the Easter term this year to encourage kids to learn about nature and enjoy the outdoors.

Long time birder Martin said it had proved to be incredibly popular among the children and the money would go towards buying binoculars, field guides and DVD's

Martin said: “When I set the club up I thought there would only be four or five pupils interested in it but we are actually getting 15 or 20.

“But of course they had to bring their own binoculars which was a problem early on. Luckily a local shop owner donated 15 pairs to us which meant we could get the club up and running but we still need more so winning the competition is fantastic.

“I was really chuffed to find out we had won. It means we can afford some field guides too, so the kids can get to know what they are looking at rather than just relying on me.”

Rix Petroleum’s We Care contest asked local people to vote for their favourite cause or charity by ‘liking’ them on the social media website Facebook.

The winner was the cause that attracted the most ‘likes’ across the duration of the contest, which ran for several weeks throughout the summer.

Horsford Junior School Bird Watching Club flew to victory after attracting more than 200 votes.

Rory Beath, director at Rix Petroleum’s Attleborough depot, said he was delighted for the club.

He said: “Teaching young people new skills is precisely the type of activity our We Care competition is aimed at promoting.

“Martin is doing a fantastic job with the bird watching club and I hope winning the prize means he can introduce more youngsters to such a worthwhile activity.”